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Company Info

WORLD GLOBAL CORP [United Kingdom]

Province/State: ATILANTIC
Country/Region: United Kingdom

About Us

We are one of the famous company in benin republic(West Africa).we was establish in 1975 with the benin international chambers of commerce and industries.And having branches through out the west african sub-regional market branches and also commanding brigades of local clients with good business accumen who depends on us for all their supplies .


we are having a total of 36 workers covering all our branches who distributes/promotes all our bulk supplies.Also we deals on general assortments of chemicals ,household articles, kitchenware ,dvd ,vcd,cd,Tv,cell phones, pm3,dvd;cvd, players, watches, items etc on bulk stock order

Company Profile

OEM Services Provided: NO

Member Information

Date Joined:2006-07-19 00:00:00